Transfer students to another school

About student transfer

The Transfer feature allows staff to move mySciLEARN students to other schools in the district; for example, when a student moves to a new school, or a group of students graduate to middle or high school. You can transfer an individual student, a group of students at a school, or all of the students in a school.

Tip: You can also transfer large numbers of students while updating from a CSV file. See Update students from a file.

How student transfer works

When transferring students, the transfer happens within the mySciLEARN server, so student transfer files do not need to be created or physically moved to a new location.

To access the Transfer feature, log in to mySciLEARN and click the Students tab to open the Students page. The Transfer feature appears in the More Actions menu based on your staff role:

  • District managers and school managers can always access this feature.
  • Instructors cannot see the Transfer menu item and cannot access the feature.

To complete a transfer, you must have access to both schools—the original school with the students and the new school for the students; however, if you are a school manager and are not associated with both schools, you can transfer the students to the district. From there, the district manager can complete the transfer. Those students will retain their student profiles and component assignments; however, they will not be able to train on the components or use Reading Progress Indicator until they are transferred in to the new school.

More about transferring students

When you transfer a student out of a school, that student will lose their staff and group associations at that school.

Transferred students will use the same Auto Assign and Auto Initial Assignment options that they were using in the original school, independent of the new school’s settings.

For students to continue with their original assignments after the transfer, the new school will need a valid product license. See About licenses for more information.

Transfer from one school to another school or district

  1. Log in to mySciLEARN as a district manager or school manager and click the Manage tab to access the Manage section.
  2. Click the Students tab to access the Students page.
  3. Locate the students in the students list. See The students list.
  4. Select the students by choosing the checkbox next to the student name. Or, click the checkbox at the top of the column to select all students in the list.
  5. You can also transfer an individual student while viewing that student’s profile (start with the next step).

  6. From the More Actions menu, select Transfer to Another School.
  7. Select the school that you want to transfer the students into and click the Transfer Students button.
  8. If you're a school manager, you'll need to be associated with that school in order to see it in the menu. If not, choose the district.

    • If you selected a school, the task is complete and the students are transferred into the default group at the new school. Continue with these tasks as needed to set up the students:
    • If you selected the district, you'll need to complete the following task to transfer the student from the district into the new school. If you're a school manager, you'll need to contact a district manager and ask that person to complete the task.

Transfer from the district into a new school (district managers only)

  1. Log in to mySciLEARN as a district manager and click the Manage tab to access the Manage section.
  2. Click the Students tab to access the Students page.
  3. Select Unaffiliated in the Browse by School filter to view students not in a school.
  4. Select the students you plan to transfer by choosing the checkbox next to the student name.
  5. You can also transfer an individual student while viewing that student’s profile from the Unaffiliated item under Browse by School (start with the next step).

  6. From the More Actions menu, select Transfer to Another School.
  7. Select the school that you want to transfer the students into and click the Transfer Students button.
  8. The students are transferred into the default group at the new school. To set up the students at the new school, continue with the following tasks as needed: